Born and raised in Chicago, Jacqueline Barragan-Abed initially pursued an interest in the arts. However, due to limited resources and societal stigma against artists, she shifted her focus to medicine at university. After realizing later that biology wasn't her true passion, she transferred to the College of Architecture, Design, and Arts at the University of Illinois at Chicago. It wasn't until her last two years at the university that she discovered User Experience Design (UX Design). Recognizing her aptitude, knowledge, and skills in helping users have better experiences with everyday products, she decided to pursue a career in UX Design.
Continuing her studies, Jacqueline received a Google Careers Certification in UX Design in January 2021 and later obtained her Master’s degree from Northwestern University in Information Design & Strategies with a focus on UX Design in August 2024. She is currently seeking opportunities as a full-time UX Designer/UX Researcher to apply her knowledge and create more user-friendly environments.