e-commerce website: Gente Bella Beauty Salon
the product
Create an eCommerce website for the salon to sell their products while promoting the in-person services targeted towards women between the ages of 18 - late 60s.
project duration
July 2022 - November 2022
the problem
How are the local competitors selling themselves and their products?
What are some things that can increase traffic both online and in-person?
the goal
Create a user-friendly design flow for ordering products online.
Include a more robust gallery of all in-person services.
In addition, create a section for a blog on the website.
My role
UX Designer and UX Researcher
User Research, Wireframing, Mockups, Usability Studies, and Prototyping.
Understanding the user
User research summary
Right away I conducted a competitive audit of the salon’s original website with its top 3 direct competitors in the area Amazon, and indirect competitors. From the results of the competitive audit, none of the local salons have an eCommerce website. However, two of the three did have a visual aesthetic that matched their branding, unlike Gente Bella. Amazon is a well-known eCommerce website with flawless user flow for ordering online and where people and businesses can list their products to sell. Because people can list any product, there is a chance that the user could buy a false product. Since Gente Bella would be the only business listing products to sell on their own website, there will be fewer chances for that to happen.
Paper wireframes
Here are six images of paper wireframes made for the home screen of the website. Homepage 6 was selected as the final concept design for the website.
Digital wireframes on adobe xd
Usability study
Chicago, IL.
10-15 minutes
study type
Moderated Usability Study
5 Participants
“I can barely see the product. The top menu bar is taking up most of the screen.” —Participant C
“The ‘Check Out Our Services’ page seems unnecessary. I don’t see why this would be needed when it’s going to take me to a page where I will be able to see all the services anyway.” — Participant A
“How come the ‘Testimonials’ and ‘Contact Us’ tab leads me back to the home screen and not the actual testimonials of other clients or a way to contact the salon?” —Participant E
going forward
The user will now be able to order hair and nail products from the comfort of their home. The stakeholders will be able to make two side incomes through the e-commerce website and through their blog.
what I learned
This being my first freelance job as a UX Designer, I learned quite a lot. During the process, I learned a lot about the clients and how to help them look for a product they need. However, during the process, I did neglect the stakeholders on how they would approach their website to include promotions, update their product prices, add new products, remove products, let clients know of certain products that are out of stock, upload their blog articles, the list goes on. There is more that needs to be done for the website to be usable for the stakeholders, but that will be more down the line.
Next Steps
The next steps in this project would be to design with the stakeholders in mind by:
Design a web flow of how the stakeholders would upload their pictures to the website for the gallery.
Design a web flow of how stakeholders would write and publish their blog posts on their website.
Design a flow of how the stakeholders can add new products, update products, and delete old products on the website.
Include the slide-out User Account and Cart. Those two would be a top priority in order to make it a working prototype.
Include a calendar set for the stakeholders to program how long they would like to promote a product sale or in-person service special.
As far as the prototype itself:
The Cart icon at the top right corner should include a number on the corner of it to indicate how many items there are in the cart.
Figuring out how to lead the “testimonies” and “contact us” tabs to lead straight to the bottom of the homepage.
Indicated that a small gallery on the homepage can be scrolled from side to side.
Thank you for spending your time to look at my work. Please feel free to browse the rest of this portfolio.