unbroken app & dedicated website


UNBROKEN: Dedicated App & Responsive Website

Google Career Certificate in UX Design Project 3: Design a multi-platform career mentorship service to help people who are formerly incarcerated.

The product

Create a dedicated app and a responsive website for a multi-platform career mentorship service to help people who are formerly incarcerated.

Project duration

November 2021 - December 2021

The Problem

  • What are some career options that people who are formerly incarcerated can have?

  • How can one differentiate the feel of a dedicated mobile app vs a responsive website?

The goal

  • For the dedicated app: to make an informative app of career mentorship organizations around the Chicago area

  • For the responsive website: to fit the needs of users that want to promote their mentorship organization through the site.

My ROle

Lead UX Designer and UX Researcher


User Research, Wireframing, Mockups, Usability Studies, and Prototyping.


Understanding the user


User Research Summary

Before conducting the research, I had no direction of where I wanted to take this product, nor did I have a direct connection to this group of users.

While conducting secondary research from articles of interviews of people who are formerly incarcerated, what they describe as having a “successful life” after prison is: Avoiding a relapse back into criminal behavior, having their own place, helping family members and others, living free from criminal surveillance, persevering through challenges, and living a “normal life”. 

At first, I didn’t think I could use this information in my app because it would be difficult to solve, but these are the needs that my targeted users need. This made me want to incorporate this into the app.



Keith is a fast food employee who needs to join a career mentorship program because he wants to become a mobile app developer despite his criminal record.

Chad is an unemployed husband and father 

who needs a career mentorship program  

because he wants to become a carpenter to support his family.


competitive audit

looked into Bain & Company, & Caterpillar (the indirect competitor), and From Prison Cells to PhDs (the direct competitor). I mainly focused on the direct competitor.


General ideas for the layout of the mobile app using Crazy 8s


Starting the design


Digital wireframes

Here is the homepage for the dedicated app

low-fidelity prototype

On the right is the basic wireframe for the dedicated app and below is the link to the working prototype all on Adobe XD


Usability Study



USA, Remote


30-60 minutes

Study type

Unmoderated Usability Study


7 Participants


“Why is the logo a chipped cube when the name if the app is called ‘Unbroken’?” -Participant A

“I don’t normally see the settings button at the bottom of the screen with the home button.” -Participant D

“I would close this app immediately because of the choice of words. I feel like this meant for a kid.” -Participant F


Refining the design


The logo changed to have a chain instead of the cube.

And I changed the wording in the app.

Accessibility Considerations

  1. I incorporated buttons for high contrast, motion animation, screen reader and language settings.

  2. Under the icons, I included the names of the icons in case the user didn’t know what they meant or what purpose they serve.


Responsive Design



Here is the general flow of the website where in this case i incorporated the feature for a user to promote their organization through the website.

Responsive Design

Mobile Screen

Responsive design

Tablet Screen

responsive Design

Computer Desktop Screen

Responsive Website Prototype: Mobile

Although it was not a requirement, I went ahead and created the mockup wireframe (on the right) and the prototype (below).

Responsive website prototype: Tablet

I did the same thing with the tablet screen.

Responsive website prototype: Desktop computer

And also the desktop computer screen.


Going forward


“I love how it looks and feels! You are able to use the app and get involved even though you don’t have that background.” -Participant G

what i learned

I finally learned how to create drop-down menus in Adobe XD. It was both fun and a challenge. I would love to continue learning to make better prototypes in future projects and get better feedback on my designs once working with a team of fellow designers.

Next Steps

  1. The next step would be incorporating links in the app to lead the user to Housing services, College Readiness, etc. The app feels unfinished if there are no links incorporated on that last screen.

  2. Design the Find Career Mentorship page for the responsive website. The website needs to help the original target users.

  3. Fix the drop-down menu of the responsive website prototype for the computer screen. Both dropdowns appear at the same time when it should show one drop-down menu.


Thank you for spending your time looking at my work. Please feel free to browse through the rest of my portfolio.